How to Advocate: Update your email signature to include your official reporter designation, FPM number, and the gold standard sign-off
Click here to download the gold standard sign-off
If you clicked the above and instead of downloading it opened a new browser tab or window, right click the image and select “Save Image As…” You will then be able to select where to save the image and have the opportunity to rename it (optional).
Tip: When developing your email signature, keep it simple in order to not overload your email recipient, and try to avoid using out-of-date terms like “OCR.”
Below are links outlining how to create or change an email signature in some of the more common email providers. If your email provider is not listed below, try googling “how to change my email signature” plus your email provider’s name. One of the search results should walk you through it.
For more advocacy ideas, visit the Reporter Advocacy page.